The protection of personal data privacy is the concern of every member of Government Logistics Department. We respect personal data privacy and are committed to fully implementing and complying with the data protection principles and all relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. We develop and implement programme controls that give effect to the six data protection principles below –

collect adequate, but not excessive, personal data by lawful and fair means only for lawful purposes related to our functions or activities;
take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that the personal data collected or retained are accurate, having regard to the purposes for which they are to be used. Erase personal data no longer than necessary for the purposes for which they are to be used;
use the personal data collected only for purposes or directly related purposes for which the data were to be used at the time of collection, unless the individual concerned has given express consent for a change of use or such use is permitted by law;
take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that personal data are protected against unauthorized or accidental access, processing, erasure or other use;
take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that a person can be informed of the kinds of personal data that GLD holds and the purposes for which the data are to be used; and
permit persons to access and correct personal data of which they are the data subject and process any access/correction requests in a manner permitted or required by law.

The main category of personal data held by us is the information about our staff. We hold such data for the administration and processing of employment-related matters such as appointment, training, career development, pay and fringe benefits, discipline, etc. The types of personal data currently held by us and the main purposes are as follows -

Types of Personal Data Held Main purposes
A. Employment-related record
1.Personal data held on serving and former employees under the purview of GLD (including contract staff), including personal particulars and particulars of family members, education and qualifications, employment history, salary and allowances, terms and conditions of service, housing benefits, medical records, leave and passages, training, investments, outside work, performance appraisals, promotion board assessments, conduct and discipline, retirement and pension.
For employment-related and personnel management purposes, including appointment, posting and transfer, promotion, staff planning, increment, training, provision of fringe benefits, leave calculation, compensation, award and commendation, discipline, termination of service, provision of pension and testimonials.
2.Recruitment and appointment data on applicants for appointment to grades under the purview of GLD, including personal particulars, education and qualifications, and employment history.
For assessment of suitability for appointment.
3.Personal data relating to holders of Government Driving Permit (G.F. 8), including personal particulars and copies of Hong Kong driving licence.
For in-house checking and administrative related matters.
4.Personal data collected in relation to applicants for driving test, including personal particulars and copies of Hong Kong driving licence.
For in-house checking and administrative related matters.
B. Quarter tenants record
5.Personal data relating to quarter tenants, including personal particulars.
To facilitate the provision of quarter furniture.
C. Contractors/Suppliers record
6.Personal data relating to contractors/suppliers and their staff, including personal particulars.
For procurement arrangements, invitation of tenders/quotations and evaluation of tenders.
7.Personal data collected in connection with the tenderers and their staff, including personal particulars.
For contract execution.
D. Potential bidders record
8.Personal data relating to potential bidders, including personal particulars.
For administration of public auctions.
E. Gazette advertising record
9.Personal data collected in relation to applicants for publication of public notices in the Gazette.
For administration of the publication of public notices in the Gazette.
F. Miscellaneous record
10.Personal data collected in connection with requests made under the Code on Access to Information and the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, or complaints made to GLD, and CCTV record.
For in-house administrative matters.

The Government will record visits to this website without collecting any personal identifiable information of visitors. Such general statistics are collected for the compilation of statistical reports for reference purpose.

Search service on this website is provided by the Central Internet Gateway of the Digital Policy Office (DPO). We are advised by DPO that this service does not collect any personal information. It only captures the “search keywords” for search performance tuning purpose.

Requests for access to or correction of personal data held by us should be addressed to –

Data Protection Officer
Government Logistics Department
10/F, North Point Government Offices
333 Java Road
North Point, Hong Kong

(Note: Data access requests should be made on a form specified by the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data.)