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Gazette Published on Friday, 05/05/2023, No. 18 Vol. 27 - Government Notice

Government Notice Number Subject Issuing Officer
2639Appointments by the Chief Executivethe Chief Executive the Honourable
2640High Court Ordinance (Chapter 4)--Appointment of Deputy Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court
2641High Court Ordinance (Chapter 4)--Appointment of Deputy Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court
2642District Court Ordinance (Chapter 336)--Appointment of Deputy District Judge
2643District Court Ordinance (Chapter 336)--Appointment of Temporary Deputy Registrar of the District Court
2644Magistrates Ordinance (Chapter 227)--Appointment of Deputy Magistrate
2645Child Care Services Ordinance (Chapter 243)
2646Child Care Services Ordinance (Chapter 243)
2647Evidence Ordinance (Chapter 8)Judiciary Administrator
2648Evidence Ordinance (Chapter 8)Judiciary Administrator
2649Legal Aid Ordinance (Chapter 91)
2650Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Chapter 159)
2651Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Chapter 159)
2652Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Chapter 159)
2653Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Chapter 159)
2654Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Chapter 159)
2655Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Chapter 159)
2656Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Chapter 159)
2657Merchant Shipping (Seafarers) Ordinance (Chapter 478)Seafarers' Authority
2658Sex Discrimination Ordinance (Chapter 480)
2659Trade Unions Ordinance (Chapter 332)
2660Anti-money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance (Chapter 615)Registrar of Companies
2661Estate Agents Ordinance (Chapter 511)--Appeal NoticeSecretary for Housing
2662Estate Agents Ordinance (Chapter 511)--Appeal NoticeSecretary for Housing
2663Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance (Chapter 370) (Notice under section 18)--Proposed Road Works at Hip Wo Street, Yue Man Square, Hong Ning Road, Mut Wah Street, Tung Yan Street and Kwun Tong Road and Construction of Footbridge, Kwun Tong, KowloonPermanent Secretary for Transport and Logistics
2664Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance (Chapter 370) (Notice under section 18)--PWP Item No. 7786CL Tung Chung New Town Extension--Design and Construction (Ma Wan Chung Road Works)Permanent Secretary for Transport and Logistics
2665Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance (Chapter 370) (Notice under section 18)--PWP Item No. 7786CL Tung Chung New Town Extension (Coastal Pedestrian Access)Permanent Secretary for Transport and Logistics
2666Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance (Chapter 370) (Notice under section 18)--PWP Item No. 7786CL Tung Chung New Town Extension (Widening of Tung Chung Road North)Permanent Secretary for Transport and Logistics
2667Town Planning Ordinance (Chapter 131)--Approval of the Draft Ngau Chi Wan Outline Zoning PlanClerk to the Executive Council
2668Town Planning Ordinance (Chapter 131)--Approval of the Draft Tseng Lan Shue Outline Zoning PlanClerk to the Executive Council
2669Town Planning Ordinance (Chapter 131)--Approval of the Draft Tsz Wan Shan, Diamond Hill and San Po Kong Outline Zoning PlanClerk to the Executive Council
2670Town Planning Ordinance (Chapter 131)--Approval of the Draft Wang Tau Hom and Tung Tau Outline Zoning PlanClerk to the Executive Council
2671Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123)Director of Buildings (Acting)
2672Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123)Director of Buildings (Acting)
2673Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123)Director of Buildings(Acting)
2674Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123) (Section 35)--Service of NoticeChief Building Surveyor for Building Authority
2675Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123) (Section 35)--Service of NoticeChief Building Surveyor for Building Authority
2676Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123) (Section 35)--Service of OrderChief Officer for Building Authority
2677Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123) (Section 35)--Service of OrderChief Structural Engineer/F for Building Authority
2678Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123) (Section 35)--Service of OrderChief Structural Engineer/F for Building Authority
2679Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123) (Section 35)--Service of OrderChief Building Surveyor for Building Authority
2680Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123) (Section 35)--Service of OrderChief Structural Engineer/C for Building Authority
2681Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123) (Section 35)--Service of OrderChief Structural Engineer/C for Building Authority
2682Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123) (Section 35)--Service of OrderChief Structural Engineer/C for Building Authority
2683Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123) (Section 35)--Service of OrderChief Structural Engineer/C for Building Authority
2684Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123) (Section 35)--Service of OrderChief Structural Engineer/C for Building Authority
2685Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123) (Section 35)--Service of OrderChief Officer for Building Authority
2686Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123) (Section 35)--Service of OrderChief Officer for Building Authority
2687Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123) (Section 35)--Service of OrderChief Officer for Building Authority
2688Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123) (Section 35)--Service of OrderChief Building Surveyor for Building Authority
2689Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123)Director of Buildings (Acting)
2690Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123)Director of Buildings(Acting)
2691Index Numbers of the Costs of Labour and Materials Used in Public Sector Construction Projects (April 2003 = 100)--Applicable to the Month of February 2023Commissioner for Census and Statistics
2692Index Numbers of the Costs of Labour and Materials Used in Public Sector Construction Projects (April 2021 = 100)--Applicable to the Month of February 2023Commissioner for Census and Statistics
2693Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2694Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2695Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2696Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2697Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2698Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2699Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2700Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2701Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2702Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2703Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2704Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2705Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2706Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2707Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2708Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2709Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2710Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)--Notice of Disclaimer of Property Vesting as Bona VacantiaRegistrar of Companies
2711Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2712Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2713Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2714Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2715Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2716Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2717Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2718Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2719Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2720Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2721Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2722Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2723Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2724Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2725Money Lenders Ordinance (Chapter 163)Registrar of Money Lenders
2726Dutiable Commodities Ordinance (Chapter 109)Commissioner of Customs and Excise
2727Electricity Ordinance (Chapter 406)Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services
2728Heung Yee Kuk Ordinance (Chapter 1097)—Notice of Nominations and Duly Elected Candidates in Uncontested Election of Special Councillors the 36th Term of the Heung Yee KukReturning Officer for The Election of the 36th term of the Heung Yee Kuk
2729Jury Ordinance (Chapter 3)Registrar, High Court
2730Government Rent and Premium (Apportionment) Ordinance (Chapter 125)Director of Lands
2731Property Management Services Ordinance (Chapter 626)Disciplinary Committee, Property Management Services Authority
2732Trade Unions Ordinance (Chapter 332)Registrar of Trade Unions
2733Trade Unions Ordinance (Chapter 332)Registrar of Trade Unions
2734Trade Unions Ordinance (Chapter 332)Registrar of Trade Unions
2735Trade Unions Ordinance (Chapter 332)Registrar of Trade Unions
2736Trade Unions Ordinance (Chapter 332)Registrar of Trade Unions
2737Trade Unions Ordinance (Chapter 332)Registrar of Trade Unions
2738Trade Unions Ordinance (Chapter 332)Registrar of Trade Unions
2739Trade Unions Ordinance (Chapter 332)Registrar of Trade Unions
2740Trade Unions Ordinance (Chapter 332)Registrar of Trade Unions
2741Road Traffic Ordinance (Chapter 374)--Extension of Temporary Speed Limit on Kai Fuk Road, Kowloon BayCommissioner for Transport
2742Road Traffic Ordinance (Chapter 374)--Speed Limit on Chek Lap Kok RoadCommissioner for Transport
2743Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations (Chapter 374E) (Notice under regulation 3(c))Commissioner for Transport
2744Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations (Chapter 374E) (Notice under regulation 3(c))Commissioner for Transport
2745Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Chapter 374G)--Prohibited Zone at Lam Tin (North) Bus TerminusCommissioner for Transport
2746Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Chapter 374G)--Extension of Temporary Restricted Zones on Yu Chau West Street and King Lam Street, Lai Chi KokCommissioner for Transport
2747Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Chapter 374G)--Temporary Restricted Zone on Cha Kwo Ling Road, Yau TongCommissioner for Transport
2748Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Chapter 374G)--Rescission of Temporary Restricted Zone in Ki Lung Street, Mong KokCommissioner for Transport
2749Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Chapter 374G)--Restricted Zones in Tai PoCommissioner for Transport
2750Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Chapter 374G)--Restricted Zones on Tsuen Yip Street, Tsuen WanCommissioner for Transport
2751Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Chapter 374G)--Rescission of Restricted Zone on On Yan Street, Kwun TongCommissioner for Transport
2752Street NameDirector of Lands
2753Town Planning Ordinance (Chapter 131)--Amendments to the Approved Tsuen Wan Outline Zoning Plan No. S/TW/35--CorrigendumTown Planning Board
2754Provision of Security Services Along Promenades at Wan Chai North, Causeway Bay and Fortress Hill Managed by the Harbour Office of the Development BureauLeisure Manager (Harbour), Harbour Office, Development Bureau
2755Provision of Hiring and Servicing of Solar-powered Portable Toilets in Various Country Parks of New Territories and Lantau for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation DepartmentDirector of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation
2756Provision of Services for Setting up and Operation of Recycling Stores at Kwai Fong Estate and Tai Wo Hau EstateDirector of Environmental Protection
2757Supply of Electric Mobile Command Unit to the Fire Services DepartmentDirector of Fire Services
2758Supply of an Integrated Ion Chromatograph System to the Government LaboratoryGovernment Chemist
2759Supply and installation of mobile filing racks to the Immigration DepartmentDirector of Government Logistics
2760Provision of Cleansing and Supporting Services for (1) Police Dog Unit Headquarters, Sha Ling, New Territories; and (2) Kwun Tong Operational Base (Dog Kennel Areas Only), Kwun Tong Police Station, KowloonCommissioner of Police
2761Provision of IT Maintenance and Support Services for the Hong Kong Police ForceCommissioner of Police
2762Provision of Security Guard Services to Kowloon East Regional Headquarters and Operational Base cum Ngau Tau Kok Divisional Police Station and Kwun Tong Law CourtsCommissioner of Police
2763Provision of Wide Area Network Services for Hongkong PostPostmaster General
2764Provision of Tree Maintenance and Related Services to Trees in Public Housing Estates and Properties Managed by the Hong Kong Housing AuthorityDirector of Housing
2765The Supply of Personal Computers and Provision of Related Services to the Planning DepartmentDirector of Planning
Contract Awarded
2766Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Notice Repeated
1710Town Planning Ordinance (Chapter 131)--Amendments to the Approved North Point Outline Zoning Plan No. S/H8/26Town Planning Board
2311Town Planning Ordinance (Chapter 131)--Draft Urban Renewal Authority Kau Pui Lung Road/Chi Kiang Street Development Scheme Plan No. S/K10/URA2/1Town Planning Board
2448Town Planning Ordinance (Chapter 131)--Amendments to the Approved Fu Tei Au and Sha Ling Outline Zoning Plan No. S/NE-FTA/16Town Planning Board
2449Town Planning Ordinance (Chapter 131)--Amendments to the Approved Tsuen Wan Outline Zoning Plan No. S/TW/35Town Planning Board
2508Trustee Ordinance (Chapter 29)Registrar of Companies
2509Trustee Ordinance (Chapter 29)Registrar of Companies
2550Foreshore and Sea-bed (Reclamations) Ordinance (Chapter 127) (Notification under section 5)--Improvement Works at Sai Wan JettyDeputy Director/Specialist, Lands Department
Notice Repeated Tenders
2596Supply of Ultrasonic Magnetostrictive Scaler Systems and Accessories to the Department of HealthDirector of Health
2598Supply of Ambulance Helmets to the Fire Services DepartmentDirector of Fire Services
2599Provision of Hiring of Box-type Lorry with tail lift Services to the Food and Environmental Hygiene DepartmentDirector of Food and Environmental Hygiene
2600Supply of a Gas Chromatograph--Mass Spectrometer System with Cryogen Free Preconcentration Unit to the Government LaboratoryGovernment Chemist
2601Supply of light buses to various Government departmentsDirector of Government Logistics
2602Hiring of PGVW Box-type Single Cab (2-Door) Trucks with Tail Lift (6-hour Hiring) for Book Sorting Unit of Hongkong PostPostmaster General
2604Proposed letting of five sites in the New Territories by short term tenancyAssistant Director/Regional 3, Lands Department
2605Supply of Two (2) Daughter Boats for the Fire Services DepartmentDirector of Marine
2606Provision of Broadband Performance Test Services to the Office of the Communications AuthorityDirector-general of Communications
2607Provision of Employment and Management Services for Supporting Staff to Customer Telephone Enquiry Centre of Water Supplies DepartmentDirector of Water Supplies