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Gazette Published on Friday, 21/04/2023, No. 16 Vol. 27 - Government Notice

Government Notice Number Subject Issuing Officer
2286Appointments by the Chief Executivethe Chief Executive the Honourable
2287High Court Ordinance (Chapter 4)--Appointment of Deputy Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court
2288District Court Ordinance (Chapter 336)--Appointment of Deputy District Judge
2289District Court Ordinance (Chapter 336)--Appointment of Deputy District Judge
2290District Court Ordinance (Chapter 336)--Appointment of Deputy District Judge
2291Magistrates Ordinance (Chapter 227)--Appointment of Deputy Magistrate
2292Magistrates Ordinance (Chapter 227)--Resumption of Hearing as Deputy Magistrate
2293Magistrates Ordinance (Chapter 227)--Resumption of Hearing as Deputy Magistrate
2294Magistrates Ordinance (Chapter 227)--Resumption of Hearing as Deputy Magistrate
2295Evidence Ordinance (Chapter 8)Judiciary Administrator
2296Evidence Ordinance (Chapter 8)Judiciary Administrator
2297Evidence Ordinance (Chapter 8)Judiciary Administrator
2298Evidence Ordinance (Chapter 8)Judiciary Administrator
2299Evidence Ordinance (Chapter 8)Judiciary Administrator
2300Marriage Ordinance (Chapter 181)--Renewal of Appointment of Civil Celebrants of MarriagesRegistrar of Marriages
2301Nurses Registration Ordinance (Chapter 164)
2302Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (Chapter 138)
2303Lump Sum Grant Independent Complaints Handling Committee
2304Notice withdrawn
2305Estate Agents Ordinance (Chapter 511)Estate Agents Authority
2306Estate Agents Ordinance (Chapter 511)Estate Agents Authority
2307Railways Ordinance (Chapter 519) (Notice under section 23)--Tung Chung Line Extension--Notice of order authorizing Permanent closure of a footbridge ramp on the northern side of Yu Tung Road near Yat Tung (I) Estate and temporary closure of a section of Yu Tung RoadDeputy Secretary for Transport and Logistics
2308Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance (Chapter 370) (Notice under section 11(9)(a))--PWP Item No. 6209TB Pedestrian Link between MTR City One Station and Prince of Wales HospitalPermanent Secretary for Transport and Logistics
2309Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance (Chapter 370) (Notice under section 11(9)(a))--PWP Item No. B871CL Site Formation and Infrastructure Works for Public Housing Development at Kwok Shui Road, Tsuen Wan (Road Works)Permanent Secretary for Transport and Logistics
2310Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance (Chapter 370) (Notice under section 18)--PWP Item No. 6185TB Proposed Lift and Pedestrian Walkway System between Tai Wo Hau Road and Wo Tong Tsui Street, Kwai ChungPermanent Secretary for Transport and Logistics
2311Town Planning Ordinance (Chapter 131)--Draft Urban Renewal Authority Kau Pui Lung Road/Chi Kiang Street Development Scheme Plan No. S/K10/URA2/1Town Planning Board
2312Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123)Director of Buildings
2313Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123)Director of Buildings
2314Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123)Chairman, Registered Contractors' Disciplinary Board
2315Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123) (Section 35)--Service of OrderChief Structural Engineer for Building Authority
2316Aviation Security Ordinance--Designation of Restricted Area Notice (No. 2 of 2023) (Made under section 35 of the Aviation Security Ordinance (Chapter 494))Director-General of Civil Aviation
2317Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2318Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2319Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2320Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2321Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2322Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2323Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2324Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2325Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2326Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2327Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2328Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2329Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2330Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2331Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2332Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2333Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2334Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2335Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2336Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2337Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2338Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2339Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2340Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2341Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2342Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2343Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2344Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2345Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2346Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2347Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2348Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2349Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2350Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2351Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2352Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2353Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2354Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2355Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2356Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2357Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622)Registrar of Companies
2358Money Lenders Ordinance (Chapter 163)Registrar of Money Lenders
2359Dutiable Commodities Ordinance (Chapter 109)Commissioner of Customs and Excise
2360Chinese Medicine Ordinance (Chapter 549)--Order made by the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong KongChairman, the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong
2361Jury Ordinance (Chapter 3)Registrar, High Court
2362Government Rights (Re-entry and Vesting Remedies) Ordinance (Chapter 126)--Notice of Re-entryDeputy Director/Specialist, Lands Department
2363Government Rights (Re-entry and Vesting Remedies) Ordinance (Chapter 126)--Notice of Re-entryDeputy Director/Specialist, Lands Department
2364Trade Unions Ordinance (Chapter 332)Registrar of Trade Unions
2365Trade Unions Ordinance (Chapter 332)Registrar of Trade Unions
2366Trade Unions Ordinance (Chapter 332)Registrar of Trade Unions
2367Road Traffic Ordinance (Chapter 374)--Temporary Speed Limit on Tolo Highway and Tate's Cairn HighwayCommissioner for Transport
2368Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations (Chapter 374E) (Notice under regulation 3(c))Commissioner for Transport
2369Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations (Chapter 374E) (Notice under regulation 3(c))Commissioner for Transport
2370Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Chapter 374G)--Temporary Prohibited Zone for Vehicles Exceeding 7 metres in Length on Lam Chak Street, Kowloon BayCommissioner for Transport
2371Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Chapter 374G)--Temporary Rescission of Prohibited Zone for Vehicles Exceeding 11 metres in Length on Lohas Park Road, Tseung Kwan OCommissioner for Transport
2372Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Chapter 374G)--Temporary Prohibited Zones for Vehicles Exceeding 8 metres and 12 metres in Length in Yau Ma TeiCommissioner for Transport
2373Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Chapter 374G)--Temporary Restricted Zone on Bedford Road, Tai Kok TsuiCommissioner for Transport
2374Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Chapter 374G)--Temporary Restricted Zones in Bulkeley Street, Hung HomCommissioner for Transport
2375Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Chapter 374G)--Temporary Restricted Zone on Tam Kung Road, To Kwa WanCommissioner for Transport
2376Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Chapter 374G)--Temporary Restricted Zones in Yau Ma TeiCommissioner for Transport
2377Design and Construction of Town Park with Public Vehicle Park in Area 66, Tseung Kwan ODirector of Architectural Services
2378Site Formation and Infrastructure Works at Cheung Muk TauDirector of Civil Engineering and Development
2379Provision of Conveyance Services among Boundary Control Points of the Customs and Excise DepartmentCommissioner of Customs and Excise
2380North District Sewerage Stage 1 Phase 2C and Stage 2 Phase 1--Village Sewerage in Sheung Shui HeungDirector of Drainage Services
2381Provision of General Support Services to the Fire Services DepartmentDirector of Fire Services
2382Provision of Management, Cleansing and Pest Control Services for Markets and Cooked Food Markets in Yuen Long DistrictDirector of Food and Environmental Hygiene
2383Provision of Management, Cleansing and Pest Control Services for Markets in North DistrictDirector of Food and Environmental Hygiene
2384Provision of Management, Cleansing and Pest Control Services for Markets in Wong Tai Sin DistrictDirector of Food and Environmental Hygiene
2385Supply of Electro-mechanical Actuator and Related Accessories for Flight Simulator to the Government Flying ServiceController, Government Flying Service
2386Supply of a Liquid Chromatograph Tandem Mass Spectrometer System with Nitrogen Gas Generator to the Government LaboratoryGovernment Chemist
2387Supply of mobile X-ray vehicle scanning system to the Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund
Supply of automatic gathering machine to the Government Logistics Department
Director of Government Logistics
2388Route 11 (Section between Yuen Long and North Lantau)--Horizontal Directional CoringDirector of Highways
2389Design, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning, Maintenance, Training and Other Related Services of Wi-Fi Security Appliance for the Hong Kong Housing AuthorityDirector of Housing
2390Provision of Subscription and Other Related Services of Autodesk AEC Collection Named User Subscription Licences for the Hong Kong Housing AuthorityDirector of Housing
2391Security Service ContractDirector of Housing
2392Notice withdrawn
2393CorrigendumEnvironmental Protection Department
Notice Repeated
1320Town Planning Ordinance (Chapter 131)--Draft Urban Renewal Authority Ming Lun Street/Ma Tau Kok Road Development Scheme Plan No. S/K22/URA1/1Town Planning Board
1321Town Planning Ordinance (Chapter 131)--Draft Urban Renewal Authority To Kwa Wan Road/Ma Tau Kok Road Development Scheme Plan No. S/K22/URA2/1Town Planning Board
1710Town Planning Ordinance (Chapter 131)--Amendments to the Approved North Point Outline Zoning Plan No. S/H8/26Town Planning Board
2214Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance (Chapter 370) (Notice under section 11(9)(c))--PWP Item No. 6853TH Widening of Castle Peak Road--Castle Peak Bay--Amendment under section 7Permanent Secretary for Transport and Logistics
Notice Repeated Tenders
2276Provision of Laundry Services for Hospital Linens and Uniform Items to the Correctional Services DepartmentCommissioner of Correctional Services
2277Rehabilitation of Underground Sewers--Stage 4Director of Drainage Services
2278Supply of High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters to the Electrical and Mechanical Services DepartmentDirector of Electrical and Mechanical Services
2279Provision of Waste Collection Services in Sha Tin DistrictDirector of Food and Environmental Hygiene
2280Supply of Ultra-High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph and High Resolution Mass Spectrometer System to the Government LaboratoryGovernment Chemist
2281Supply of hardware, software and provision of related services for the Government Cloud Infrastructure Services of the Office of the Government Chief Information OfficerDirector of Government Logistics
2284Provision of Employment Support and Employer Engagement Services for the Racial Diversity Employment Programme (RDEP) for Ethnic Minority Job SeekersCommissioner for Labour
2285Supply of Eleven (11) Catamaran Patrol Launches for the Hong Kong Police ForceDirector of Marine